Ever Near

It's a little over the top. A little bombastic. But such is the nature of the beast.


"Ever Near"

One can not share
the penultimate love
without grappling with
the paralyzing fear
of its loss,
ever near.

its greatness alone
defines the outline of my singular terror..
dark shadows endarkened
 by the prospects
of the light's
fleeting nature
its spectre
filling the deepest caverns of my soul
in an vacuous instant with despair.
boundless, animal cries of confusion,
ever near.
ever present
crippling my rational thought
dismantling my walls after all these years
undoing psyche 
and choking out of hope's air 
with a suffocating burdeon
that seems unfair.

I collapse, broken.
utter destruction..   
from our bliss...
...so grateful to have ever known it.

like two motes of dust drifting lazily in sun's caress,
cascading through cracks in blinds
monday afternoon 
eachothers familiar kiss.

 we drift together...
and, we drift apart..
apart, we drift together.
floating, cicling,
to the hidden currents
unseen patterns.
apart yet so together,
each of us a part of the other.
intrinsic things
necessary unto eachother
lacking meaning out of context 
like arteries and veins are to the blood
which, pumping restlessly
trembling at the touch
quivering at the promise
rich with lust and a terror and a hope and a wish...
a boundlessless 
which arose from within 
and then
a touroidal fountain of joy and triumph
brighter and with more gravity 
than a thousand million suns 
at the precise moment 
of super nova.

our time approaches again,
my love.
my dear, sweet love.
ever near.

as i lay drifing last night,
sleep eluding me
thoughts ruminate
i reached out,
through the ether
the part of my being which is pure light
i reached out through the ether..
that part of you that fears
a second glance
 i glimpsed you in my peripheral 
a pattern i could not simply pass.

There I found you,
as a child
huddled, fearful
blind. in denial.
angry. wounded,
You snap at the darkness,
fearful that the thorne be plucked from your paw
wishing to be discarded and replaced instead,
but I could not leave you
there for dead.

I would not go.
I would not leave.
I found you there, beneith the leaves, 
and though wilting,
tender new growth then appeared ..
When I held your hand, 
and instead, 
you discarded your fears.

Our higher selfs, 
our astral forms 
met in the nameless faceless void,
despite the darkness
that quiet darkness
in spite of that drowning, raging darkness
threatening to swallow us whole
I held your hand 
and even though 
I knew not which way to go..
and we struggled as we always have
struggled under the weight of such enormous greatness
from that damp, furious darkness
together alone.

As we emerged from this nightmare,
your blossomed self
found my eyes and could not see passed doubts.
Just as I always saw you.
Just as we always knew.
The sparkle of realized dreams
come true
a glorious hope's dawn 
Held together by more force
than all of our combined galactic cores.

And again,
as past,
we drifted there, 
as the last two motes of dust in all of creation's night,
drifting in the final beam of a thousand million nova's light.
triumphantly swaying to the hidden currents,
as if the universe had purposed such burdeons,
as if it had planned this all along,
as if the sun done it all - -
existence, history, cavemen and mozart and civilizations rise and fall..
For this.

Our time has come again,
my dear,
my love,
my dear sweet love..
It is here.


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